Pricing and Inclusions
SmartyGrants users pay an annual fee based on their annual grants / awards / scholarships disbursement, allowing you to lock in your budget allocations with certainty.
If your organisation is uncomplicated, your annual fee will be straightforward. Large or complicated organisations with multiple departments, very large disbursements and/or very small application volumes (and/or the equivalent in scholarships/awards), should contact us for a tailored quote.
Most SmartyGrants users do not require implementation services so do not pay set-up costs. However, we do offer a suite of consultancy services for customers who wish to engage an expert to support their implementation.
Our pricing pledge
- Annual access fee
- Clearly defined inclusions and exclusions
- No extra fees for a spike in support needs or applications
- No hidden fees, exit fees or lock-in clauses
- Transparent and stable pricing (no sudden ramp-ups)
Sales Inquiries
Looking to arrange a demonstration or a new subscription?
Email: [email protected]
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